what is relief?

2007-01-28 8:00 am
What is relief ? Please answer my question in English!
Thx for your help!

回答 (3)

2007-01-28 8:03 am
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A relief is a sculptured artwork where a modeled form projects out from a flat background.

Reliefs are a common type of artwork found throughout the world, particularly to decorate monumental buildings, such as temples. The frieze in the classical Corinthian order is often enriched with bas-relief (low relief). Alto-relievo (high-relief) may been seen in the pediments of classical temples, e.g. the Parthenon. Reliefs can be used for a single scene, or ordered into a narrative. They can be very detailed to the extent that even tensed musculature itself may be seen.

Several types of relief are commonly used and defined although in all cases the images must attach to the background..

* Bas-relief (pronounced "bah"), or low relief, with the background compressed for depth; as seen for example in numismatics. Although unusual, Bas-relief may show faces and even bodies in natural relief.
* Alto-relievo, or high relief, where the image is highly undercut and rendered almost in the round against its flat background. In alto-relief the figures are usually near natural depth and the background is more detailed and deeper.
* Sunken-relief, also known as intaglio or hollow-relief, where the image is carved into the stone, creating in effect a negative, in contrast to other types of relief work where the surrounding stone is carved away to leave the image.
2007-01-28 9:01 am

Main Entry: 1re·lief
Pronunciation: ri-'lEf
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English relef, relief, from Anglo-French from relever to relieve
1 : a payment made by a male feudal tenant to his lord on succeeding to an inherited estate
2 a : removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful, or distressing b : WELFARE 2a c : military assistance to an endangered post or force d : means of breaking or avoiding monotony or boredom : DIVERSION
3 : release from a post or from the performance of duty
4 : one that takes the place of another on duty
5 : legal remedy or redress
6 [French, from Middle French, from Italian rilievo relievo] a : a mode of sculpture in which forms and figures are distinguished from a surrounding plane surface b : sculpture or a sculptural form executed in this mode c : projecting detail, ornament, or figures
7 a : sharpness of outline due to contrast <a rel="nofollow"> b : the state of being distinguished by contrast
8 : the elevations or inequalities of a land surface
9 : the pitching done by a relief pitcher

語源學: 中間英國relef, 安心, 從Anglo 法語從relever 解除1: 付款由一個男性封建房客付對他的閣下在成功對一個被繼承的莊園2 a: 事壓迫, 痛苦, 或困厄的b 撤除或孕腹輕鬆: 福利2.a c: 軍事協助對危險的崗位或力量d: 打破或避免單調或乏味手段: 轉換3: 從表現義務發布從崗位或4: 一代替其它當班5: 法律補救法或再穿上6 [ 法語, 從中間法語, 從義大利浮雕relievo ] a: 在下形成雕塑的方式並且圖是卓越的從周圍的平面表面b: 雕刻或一個雕刻的形式被執行在這個方式下c: 射出細節、裝飾品, 或圖7 a: 概述的鋒利由於對比b: 狀態相反8 被區別: 土地表面9 的海拔或不平等: 投球由候補投手完成</a>
2007-01-28 8:05 am
the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced; &quot;as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief&quot;
the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress); &quot;he enjoyed his relief from responsibility&quot;; &quot;getting it off his conscience gave him some ease&quot;
(law) redress awarded by a court; &quot;was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?&quot;
stand-in: someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult); &quot;the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes&quot;; &quot;we need extra employees for summer fill-ins&quot;
assistance in time of difficulty; &quot;the contributions provided some relief for the victims&quot;
respite: a pause for relaxation; &quot;people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests&quot;
easing: a change for the better
aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped; &quot;he has been on relief for many years&quot;
easing: the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance); &quot;he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain&quot;
sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background
the act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged; &quot;he asked for troops for the relief of Atlanta&quot;

In the art of sculpture, a relief is an artwork where a modelled form projects out of a flat background. Tensed musculature itself may be seen to be in relief. Depending on the depth involved, it may be termed a bas relief (&quot;low relief&quot;) – as seen in numismatics – or it may be a high relief, with much undercutting, rendered almost in the round against its flat background.

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