Maths...F.1 maths...5 識計

2007-01-28 7:26 am
a container with uniform cross -sectional area of 160cm2 is filled with water to a certain level. If a metal cuboid of dimensions 10cm x 10cm x12 cm is placed inside the container and totally submerged in water, find the rise in the water level.

回答 (2)

2007-01-28 7:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
let the rise in water level be h

the change in total volumn = the volumn of metal cuboid = 10 x 10 x 12 = 1200cm3

uniform cross-sectional area x change in water level = change in volumn

160cm2 x h = 1200cm3
therefore h = 7.5cm

hope it's gonna help~
2007-01-28 7:43 am
The volume of the metal cuboid = 10 x 10 x 12 = 1200 cm3

Let n be the rise in the water level

160 n = 1200
n = 7.5

Therefore, the rise in the water level is 7.5 cm.

2007-01-27 23:48:02 補充:
volume = 體積

2007-02-03 21:22:03 補充:

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