Five students passed / five of the students passed?

2007-01-28 7:05 am
請問以下用 'five of the students' or 'five students' 有否分別? ^_^

Everyone took the exam,but only five[of the students] passed.

and ...

l haven't had time to arrange everything, so I'm all at sixs & sevens.
(我没有足夠時間安排所有事, 所以心裡總是忐忑不安.)

請問why use "haven't had time to" ; 而不是 "haven't time to" ???

請問why use , have not had time to 而不是 have not time to ???

回答 (5)

2007-01-28 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Everyone took the exam, but only five students passed.

Everyone took the exam, but only five of the students passed.

其實兩句意思上係差唔多.但five of the students就強調重d!
For example:
only one student failed 只有一位學生不合格.
only one of the students failed 所有學生中只有一位不合格.

I haven't had time to arrange everything.......( present perfect tense )

永遠都唔會有:haven't time....haven't pen...haven't apple.....haven't + noun (係錯)

Have + 動詞第三身(written, broken, been.......)

而present perfect tense係用來表達時間由之前到宜家.
For example:
I haven't had lunch 我還未食午飯
I have been to Thailand 我有去過泰國 
2007-02-01 11:25 am
five of the students emphasis these five is among the students. I think this is a better usage for this sentence because it implies they are outstanding.

If you use have not time to, that means the situation is a present one. In fact, if it hasn't passed yet, you can still try to change it and no need for all the anxiousness.
"haven't had time" means this is finished already, the only thing you can do now is to pray. This is the logic problem about time.
2007-01-28 11:09 am
'five of the students' 即在所有(超過5人)的學生,只有5個.......
'five students' 即5個學生............(並無指明這裡有很多學生還是只有5個)

l haven't had time to arrange everything, so I'm all at sixs & sevens.
haven't had是用了present perfect tense,等同 I haven't done..........
這是由於過去至現在我一直没有足夠時間安排所有事, 至今一直忐忑不安,
因此要用present perfect tense

l haven't time to arrange everything, so I'm all at sixs & sevens.
l have't time是用了past tense,指過去我没有足夠時間安排所有事
但在這裡不能用past tense,因為是I'm all at sixs & sevens,用了present tense
若用l have't time則前後矛盾,語法錯誤

2007-01-28 03:18:19 補充:
five of the students 即在所有(超過5人)的學生,只有5個.......five students 即5個學生............(並無指明這裡有很多學生還是只有5個)haven't had = have not hadI'm= I am
2007-01-28 8:15 am

??? ( 所以用 past perfect tense,即 haven't had time to 比較好。) ???

haven't had time to = past perfect tense ! ? WRONG !
It is PRESENT perfect tense ! ! ! ! ! !


have not time to WRONG !
don't have time to OR didn't have to OR have no time to CORRECT !


The form of a verb that expresses (表達) an action done in a time period up to the present 來自參考資料

I have lost my pen. (present perfect tense)
I lost my pen. (past tense)

兩句表面意思一樣, 都系我弄丟了我的筆, 一樣系過去發生, 但 perfect 個句有個deeper 的意思:
直到說出這句為止我仍未找到我的筆, past 個句只系話我過去曾經弄丟了我的筆, 現在到底系找到 or 未找到? 鬼知!

直到說出這句為止我一直 didn't have time, 因此 use haven't had time !

2007-01-28 00:17:18 補充:
don't have time to OR didn't have to OR have no time to CORRECT !It should be didn't have time to

2007-01-28 00:19:57 補充:
... how many people in the class passed because people might think: five students passed in the class or five people passed in every ten of them...There is a ONLY, so I think it is ok.
2007-01-28 7:20 am
1. 用five students 和'five of the students' 在這句子中沒有分別,但用five students 比較流暢

2.用haven't had time to 而不是haven't time to 是因為句子的前段是過去的事,(我由於事前沒有足夠時間安排所有事,所以導致心裡總是忐忑不安,是事件的因),應用Past tense。
  本來past tense 有simple past tense &past perfect tense可以用,不過由於句子沒有指明時間,所以用past perfect tense,即haven't had time to 比較好。
參考: 我老師用左成個月去講tense

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