
2007-01-28 5:36 am
如果想話D人離家出走, 英文應該點講???

呀A 的呀媽呀爸好衰, 呀A好唔中意佢地, 所以佢就離開屋企, 去搵其他人.......


回答 (3)

2007-01-28 3:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is more common to translate 離家出走 as "run away from home."

個情景as you described may be:

呀A has a very abusive mother/father/parents. 呀A could not stand it any more (頂唔順). Therefore, he ran away from home to stay with a friend.

Hope it helps.
2007-01-28 1:25 pm
A's mom and dad (or parent) are bad. A doesn't like them, so she/he ran away from home to find other people.....

p.s" 好衰 in chinese can mean a lot of things....if write in english have to be specific. why 呀媽呀爸好衰? they hit A? they dont go to work? they dont care about A??? etc..."
參考: self
2007-01-28 9:35 am

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