
2007-01-28 2:58 am
I want to ask all of you what's "ex-box friend"?
I see it in a sheet.
Please help me, 5 points.

回答 (4)

2007-01-28 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
It maybe a tpying mistake, and "ex-box friend" doesn't make sense. It may want to express: "ex-boy friend"(前度男友)

2007-01-27 19:14:08 補充:
I make a typing mistake too, not tpying, but typing.
參考: I'm no a talent in English.
2007-01-28 4:45 am
It might be a spelling mistake! I think it should be "ex-boyfriend"and it means 前度男朋友!and just to tell you , "ex-boxfriend,is not a word!
2007-01-28 3:01 am
ex-box friend=前度男朋友
參考: me
2007-01-28 3:01 am

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