about Take that

2007-01-28 12:36 am
最近復出的前英國當紅組合 TAKE THAT 是長期復出or只復出一段時間 ??

thank you

回答 (2)

2007-01-31 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
好難講, 我諗都係睇下搵到幾多錢先睇去留... 有錢搵咪繼續做囉!!!
不過我睇起碼都仲有一兩年做, 因為佢地話2007年開 europe tour 喎~~~
最近又去埋台灣宣傳, 但係硬係都唔到香港.......

其實我都係佢地既死忠 fans..........
參考: 自己
2007-02-02 1:04 am
I Think they will stick around for quite a while this time....
They are planning to have European Tour end of 2007
Possible 2008 World Tour..... They said Universal Taiwan have talked about Tour in Taiwan during their visit in Jan....

Of course I really want them to stay this time.... I am their fan since Pray.....

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