email 翻譯

2007-01-27 9:23 pm

於午餐聚會時, X先生和X先生提出: 由於籌備週年大會的程序及印刷場刊的預備工作,十分繁複, 建議應找專人去籌辦並作出協調.

現時收到兩間承辦商表示有意承辦該工作, 並附上報價單以作參考

基本上, 本人給予每間公司的資料如下:
1. xxxx

2. xxxx

3. xxxx

然而, xx公司所報的內容非常詳細, 部分內容雖超出本人所給他們的規範, 但仍以作參考


請大家給予意見, 以便本人有所依從.

回答 (2)

2007-01-27 9:55 pm
=electronic mail
2007-01-27 9:43 pm
When in lunch meeting, X gentleman and X gentleman proposed that, As a result of arrangement anniversary congress procedure and printing field publication preparation work,Extremely complicated,The suggestion should ask the specialist to prepare and to make the coordination.
Now receives during two to undertake business to express the mean undertakes this work, And the enclosed quotation makes the reference
Myself give each company the material to be as follows:
1. xxxx
2. xxxx
3. However
xxxx, xx company reports the content is extremely detailed,Although the partial contents surpass myself to give their standard, But still made at the same time
the reference two between companies to indicate might X finish on the other day in X month
asks everybody to give the opinion, In order to myself have the compliance.

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