
2007-01-27 8:23 pm

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2007-01-27 8:27 pm
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《紅樓夢》第19回寫賈寶玉為林妹妹講故事:揚州有座黛山,山上有個林子洞,裡面有一群耗子精煮臘八粥,一個耗子去偷米,又一個耗子去偷豆,一個極小極弱的小耗子變化了去偷香芋,結果一變卻變出一個林小姐,引的林黛玉從床上翻身爬起來 寶玉。這則故事說明貴族之家的賈府到了「臘八」也要吃臘八粥。


Rice Porridge with Nuts and Dried Fruits
Eaten on the Eighth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month
"Laba" refers to the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. It is said that "laba " congee is a food of Buddhism and transmitted from the palace to common people. The book Yangjing Visiting records written in Yuan Dynasty described as follows: "On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the emperor gives congee to the officers. It is cooked with rice and dried fruits. The one who eats the most congee is the winter. This custom is followed from Song Dynasty". It means that this custom has long been followed from the officers of nalace to the common people. In chapter 19 of A Dream of Red Mansions , it is described as follows: Jia Bao-yu told story to Lin Dai-yu. He said "In Yang zhou ther' s a hill called Mount Dai, in the side of which is cavern call Lin Carven. In Lin Carven, a number of rat spirits are cooking 'Laba' gruel. One rat is stealing rice another one stealing bean. A very small, weak rat is going to change into a sweet taro to steal taro. But, at last, it changes into Lady Lin". Dai-yu scrambled over and pinched Bao-yu. This story shows that even in the noble's family as Rong Mansion, they ate "Laba" congee as well on the eifgth day of the twelfth lunar month.
"Laba" congee was said to be "Seven treasures congee" "Five tastes congee" and "Seven-treasure and Five taste congee. " The ingredients and cooking methods are different because of the different custom and different kind of beans produced at different area. (The Years Records of Yanjing) recorded that the "Laba" congee is cooked by polished glutinous millet, polished rice, lotus seeds, chestnut, red bean, date paste with water to ripe, and embellished with coloured peach kernel, apricot kernel 9, peanut 9, melon seeds, hazelnut, pine nut, white sugar red sugar and raisin...... "
The cooked "Laba" congee is bright-coloured ,flavour in taste and sinfully rich.
‧Main Ingrdients︰
150g rice, 150g millet, 150g polished glutinous rice, 250gred bean, 250 g kidney bean.
‧Subsidiary Ingrdients︰
l00g lotus seeds, l00g chest nut, l00g peanut, 250,a red date, I00g apricot kernel , l00g peach kernel, l00g longan, 50g melon seeds.
White sugar (depend on your own likeness)

Wash the rice and decoct congee in pot. Wash the beans and cook to ripe. When the rice are cooked to medium (60 %to ripe). Put in beans and cook continuously. When the rice nearly well -done (80%to ripe), put in fruits and go on to cook until the congee becomes sticky.
NOTE: The skin and kernel of the dried fruits, the heart of the lotus seeds should be taken away . The sizes of the subsidiary ingredients should be kept nearly the same.
2007-01-28 7:23 am

古人煮臘八粥,每煮必定大鍋出爐,寓意「年年有餘」。因此用料豐富是臘八粥的最大特色,因此又有「七寶粥」、「五味粥」及「佛粥」的別稱。主要用梗米、糯米、玉米、高粱,混合各種豆類(芸豆、黃豆、綠豆、紅豆、扁豆…),以及各式乾果( 大棗、栗子、杏仁、花生、核桃、百合 、桂圓、葡萄乾…),加糖熬煮。

臘八粥可以選用蓮子、紅棗、栗子、白果、核桃、葡萄乾、腰果、桂圓肉,對上糯米來煮,所有材料洗好後,和糯米一起放入電鍋熬煮。由於糯米吃水,水量可以多放些,比例約是一比十二(即乾料一、 水十二),煮成豪華版的臘八粥。
2007-01-27 8:30 pm
古人煮臘八粥,每煮必定大鍋出爐,寓意「年年有餘」。因此用料豐富是臘八粥的最大特色,因此又有「七寶粥」、「五味粥」及「佛粥」的別稱。主要用梗米、糯米、玉米、高粱,混合各種豆類(芸豆、黃豆、綠豆、紅豆、扁豆…),以及各式乾果( 大棗、栗子、杏仁、花生、核桃、百合 、桂圓、葡萄乾…),加糖熬煮。

臘八粥可以選用蓮子、紅棗、栗子、白果、核桃、葡萄乾、腰果、桂圓肉,對上糯米來煮,所有材料洗好後,和糯米一起放入電鍋熬煮。由於糯米吃水,水量可以多放些,比例約是一比十二(即乾料一、 水十二),煮成豪華版的臘八粥。

臘 八 粥

材 料

糯 米 4 兩 ( 140 克 )
水 16 杯
花 生 肉 、 栗 子 、 紅 豆 、 紅 棗 、 元 肉 、 蓮 子 、 糖 冬 瓜 及 百 合
冰 糖 6 兩 ( 210 克 )

調 味


獻 汁


做 法

所 有 材 料 沖 淨 後 隔 水 。
糯 米 洗 淨 , 水 燒 滾 , 將 糯 米 放 滾 水 內 , 改 用 中 火 煲 10 分 鐘 。
加 入 花 生 , 栗 子 及 紅 豆 煲 50 分 鐘 。
續 加 入 其 餘 材 料 ( 紅 棗 、 元 肉 、 蓮 子 及 糖 冬 瓜 ) , 煲 30 分 鐘 。
最 後 加 入 百 合 及 糖 , 煮 溶 糖 便 可 食 用 。
2007-01-27 8:29 pm

參考: wikipedia

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