
2007-01-27 7:48 pm

回答 (3)

2007-01-30 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are planning to go to those places that required entry fees, buy a sydneypass.
But if you only want to go to Bondi, the rocks, buy a day tripper from the railway station $15-$16. It is a one day ticket for all the government bus, train and ferry, except airport train. You can join a day trip to blue mountain, about $70. Kingcross to airport is about $11 each way.
PS. the cheap and best way to tour Sydney harbour is take a ferry to Manly. The travel booklet from airport or travel information centre ususally has discount coupons.
2007-01-27 8:39 pm
坐 sydney 既 city explorer la. 有成好似27站, 全市景點去齊 ka la. 分一, 兩日 pass. 由朝到晚無限次上落車 ka. 我去都係坐呢 ka. 而且你隨便係邊站上車, 就可即時買飛 ka lak. 另外佢地仲有隻 bindi explorer, 去 bondi beach 個邊及市郊的. 有時間不防坐埋啦. 我上次坐呢隻車, 都唔係站站落既. 有 D 無興趣 ka ma. 但落左車, 就睇睇下一班或兩班車幾時到 lor. 跟住又可以準時上番車繼續行程 lak. 好方便!! 好似我入左博物館咁, 好 lum 住行1個鐘咁上下 ka jack, 咁咪睇定一個鐘後大概搭幾有車黎咁 lor. 以下係佢地個網址:--

2007-01-27 8:00 pm
如果要體驗一下當地人的生活,sydneypass 就最好,去得最多地方。

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