
2007-01-27 9:30 am
I can't type Chinese word, but my boss want me to type a English format and Chinese format in the letter, pls helps.......... thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-01-30 4:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir / Madam / Dear Customer,
逕啟者 / 親 愛的客戶 :
Removal Notice of Our Office

To cope with our expanding business needs, our office will be removed to the following address with effect from ddmmyy :
為適應業務發展需要, 本公司將於 xxxx 年 xx 月xx 日 搬遷往下列新址辦公 :

Please note that our fax number, E-mail address and telephone number( 6 lines) remain unchanged .
并保留原有傳真號碼,電郵及電話號碼( 6 條 街線 ).
To celebrate this very special occasion, we are offering our customers a lot of free gifts worth over $50,000 in Feb., 2007 . Please complete the reply slip below and bring it in person to our new office before 28th Feb .( 此段僅供參考而已)

Thank you for your attention and continuous support .


Yours faithfully,

Senior Manager, Human Resources
人力資源部高級經理 謹上

Free Gift Slip( 罝中)

XXXX Company(罝中)
( Address )(罝中)

Company Name :....................................................................................................
Address :..................................................................................................................
Telephone :...............................................................................................................
Fax : .......................................................................................................................
Company Chop and Signature :
2007-01-27 10:44 pm

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