
2007-01-27 8:54 am


回答 (3)

2007-01-27 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
職業英語課程係超多地方有得讀, 咁of course, 唔同地方讀有唔同價錢啦~ 而且質素都好參次, 課時又唔統一.

如果你想讀, 你就要問清楚自己, 讀英文既objective 係做乜? 係想攞張cert, 定係想講好d? 定係想improve grammar or writing? 再按住自己既需要去睇唔同地方既章程, 揀適合自己既...

切忌誤信sales 既"美言" ... 適合自己最重要!!!!

坊間好多學店, 好貴又不切實際. 我個人認為, 比較穩陣d, 可以去d大學既持續進修學院睇下, 佢地間間都有英文讀, 而且仲有cert & 可以claim CEF.

e.g. 有d網址你可以睇下
中大校外進修學院: http://chinese.scs.cuhk.edu.hk/scs/course/lang/eng/?disp=en
浸大持續教育學院: http://www.sce.hkbu.edu.hk/pgm/by_sbj/bysbj000.html
港大專業進修學院: http://hkuspace.hku.hk/web_course/course_list.php?parent_seq=124&subject_index=&content=eng

其實大部份大學都有持續進修學院....可以上網check 下~
2007-01-27 12:07 pm
職業英語課程係咪好多地方都有得讀? 係, 遍佈全港, 九, 新界

係咪唔同地方讀有唔用價$$?? 係, 唔同機構, 就會唔同價錢。

香港公開大學 李嘉誠專業進修學院
54535 職業英語證書
This programme is offered as part of the Government’s Workplace English Campaign. It is designed to prepare students to take the English Language Skills Assessment (ELSA) test offered by The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB).

Objectives Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to improve the level of English language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) so that they are well prepared to sit for the ELSA test which is required for the reimbursement of either the ‘Continuing Education Fund’(CEF) or the ‘Funding Scheme for Workplace English Training’.

Who Should Attend
Those who have Form Five English standard and are in one of the main job types such as clerk, junior secretaries, frontline service personnel, and telephone operators / receptionists.

Programme Structure and Fees Course Code Course Title
Lecture Hours
Exam Hours
Tuition Fee (HKD)#
Reading English at Work
30 2 $1,800 54537
Writing English at Work
30 2 $1,800 54538
Listening English at Work
30 2 $1,800 54539
Spoken English at Work
30 2 $1,800

Total : 120 8 $7,200
# Discount policy is applicable to this programme.
Beginning from Dec 2006, the tuition fees will be paid in two installments as follows:
&a mp;n bsp; & ;nbs p; Installment 1 : $3,600
&a mp;n bsp; & ;nbs p; Installment 2 : $3,600

Assessment To obtain an award, students are required to have an overall pass in each course assessment which consists of Continuous Assessment (in the form of assignments, case study and presentation, test etc.) and Examination. The passing mark is 50 %.

Award A "Certificate in Workplace English" will be issued by LiPACE to those who have successfully completed the programme.

2007-01-27 9:02 am
當然啦, 沒有劃一價


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