我想host 歌做bkg music ... 邊度可以host 呀?

2007-01-27 7:19 am
我想host 歌做bkg music 呀 ..
除左angel fire 之外, 仲有邊度可以host 歌呀?
angel fire 係咪host 唔到song 喇?
邊d web 易用同stable ga?

回答 (1)

2007-01-27 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
你自己開sinatown, 咩geocities 個d website lor
個website 唔做website, 只放d song 上去
upload 上檔案
if your username is mary, the file name is abc
that means
the given website name: http://www.sinatown.com/mary/abc.wma

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