
2007-01-27 6:04 am
係愛黎整英文POSTER/ NOTICE 嫁! 所以唔該唔好譯得太長喎~


美術學會每年都舉辦此活動, 今年也不例外。每組勝出者的設計將會被印製成利是封, 供全校同學選購, 並能獲得精美禮物一份。

名額: 每班最多十名
費用: 全免
組別: 低級組(中一至中三)
尺寸選擇: 9.5cm × 8.5cm / 11.5cm × 8cm
參加辦法: 向班主任索取參加表格, 填寫個人資料, 並在提供的空格裡畫上你的設計(有兩款尺寸可供選擇), 於限期前親自交給 XXXXXXXX.
最後提交日期: 2月6日 (星期二)
公報結果: 2月9日(星期五) 於美術學會壁報板公報

*如需要更多資訊或有任何問題, 可到美術學會壁報板或向 XXXXXX 查詢, 有關訂(選)購得獎利是封事宜, 稍後會在美術學會壁報板宣佈*


-- end--

唔該哂...係咪好多呢? 盡量幫幫我吖~thx!!!!!!!

請用自己GE能力盡量返譯, 唔好用D返譯網呀~PLZZZZZ^^

回答 (3)

2007-01-27 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Year of Pig Red Pocket Design Competition

The Art Club/Society organize this competition every year. The champion will be prized a great present while the winning design will be adopted for red pocket production. The winning design red pocket will be sold to all the schoolmates.
美術學會每年都舉辦此活動, 今年也不例外。每組勝出者的設計將會被印製成利是封, 供全校同學選購, 並能獲得精美禮物一份。

Vacants for competition: Max. 10 per class
名額: 每班最多十名
Application fee: Free-of-charge
費用: 全免
Groups of competition:
Junior class: (Form 1 - 3)
Senior class:(Form 4 - 7)
Size limitation of the design:.5cm × 8.5cm / 11.5cm × 8cm
Ways of application: Please get the application form form your Class Master, fill in the from and draw you design on the blank of the from provided (pls note the 2 given size limitation). Please submit the application to XXXXXXXX on before the deadline.
The deadline of application: 6 February 2007 (Tuesday)
The result of the competition will be announced on 9 February 2007 and attached on the notice board of Art Club/Society
組別: 低級組(中一至中三)
尺寸選擇: 9.5cm × 8.5cm / 11.5cm × 8cm
參加辦法: 向班主任索取參加表格, 填寫個人資料, 並在提供的空格裡畫上你的設計(有兩款尺寸可供選擇), 於限期前親自交給 XXXXXXXX.
最後提交日期: 2月6日 (星期二)
公報結果: 2月9日(星期五) 於美術學會壁報板公報

* If you need more information or if you have any enquiries, pls leave you questions to the Art Club/Society or ask XXXXXX for further infomation. The details of purchasing the winning design red pocket will be announced later on on the notice board of the Art Club/Society.
*如需要更多資訊或有任何問題, 可到美術學會壁報板或向 XXXXXX 查詢, 有關訂(選)購得獎利是封事宜, 稍後會在美術學會壁報板宣佈*

All are welcome to join the competition!!!!

2007-01-26 22:38:55 補充:
Class Master = the head-teacher of the class = 班主任"Please get the application form form your Class Master" change to"Please get your application form from your head-teacher of the class"

2007-01-27 17:42:26 補充:
The champion will be prized a great present change toThe winner/champion designer will be awarded a great present
2007-02-09 7:54 am
No champs; top-designer

not present; prize

form is not the same as from

red pocket? good word choice! or you can use red Lai-see too. Readers may understand.

better to use a definite date than "later"; it may mean 2008 or 2012 or 2047... .
2007-01-27 6:30 am
Year of Pig's res packet cover design competiton
美術學會每年都舉辦此活動, 今年也不例外
The Art Society to old this competition every year,not expect this year.
每組勝出者的設計將會被印製成利是封, 供全校同學選購, 並能獲得精美禮物一份。
The winner in every team's desing will printed to be the red packet,sold for all your scoolmates and the winner can get a prize.
名額: 每班最多十名
The number of the person:At most 10 people in each class
費用: 全免
參加辦法: 向班主任索取參加表格, 填寫個人資料, 並在提供的空格裡畫上你的設計
Join the pompetiton's way:Get the appication form from your class teacher,fill in the personal data and draw your design in the provided blank space.
公報結果: 2月9日(星期五) 於美術學會壁報板公報
The result's communique day:9th Feb(Fri)communique on the Art society's board
參考: 我自己

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