英文諺語 Beauty is but skin deep 定 beauty is only skin deep?

2007-01-27 6:02 am
There is a proverb saying that "Beauty is but skin deep"
大家可以search下, 不少提proverb的網站也是寫 beauty is but skin deep.

不過, 本人作文時卻遭老師圈上 "but" 刪掉, 詢問下得到以下回應:「係都係加only唔係but」

由於我肯定係有source,上網找尋下, 不少網站也是用beauty is but skin deep..

於是本人再試從idioms字典或英文成語字典找...牛津、劍橋等權威字典竟然卻只有「beauty is only skin deep」而沒有「beauty is but skin deep」

那麼究竟「beauty is but skin deep」同用only有乜分別呢?錯grammar嗎?(有人話but係connective唔用得, 但無理由錯得咁嚴重喎=.=)亦係咪通用呢?? 而且用but係認受性高唔高呢?有無權威既example可以引一引我知?

回答 (4)

2007-01-28 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
上面的答案都錯。你才是對。Beauty is but skin deep 是經典明句,未聽過話呢句錯的真是孤漏寡聞。其實不只這句,在英文用個 BUT 代替 ONLY 是好普遍的用法,比 ONLY 有更肯定的語氣。

約有1,640,000項符合Beauty is but skin deep的查詢結果


And that same century, the philosopher Herbert Spencer literally turned the current proverb on itself to make it a clever rebuke in 'Personal Beauty' (1863): 'The saying that beauty is but skin deep is a skin deep saying. ...
www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/22/messages/176.html - 10k


BUT 這裏是 ADVERB, 解 ONLY,看看字典。

Adv.1.but - and nothing more; "I was merely asking"; "it is simply a matter of time"; "just a scratch"; "he was only a child"; "hopes that last but a moment"just, merely, only, simply

其實你帶出了一個好多人遇到的問題,把見過人用的英文說法,名句等,引用在作文,遭老師批改,但見很多人用,結果要上討論區求證。Beauty is but skin deep是句名句,我寫就一定不會改做 ONLY,如果老師批我錯我會想應否和他拗,還是等明年有個好些老師,還是轉校。幸好,我從未遇過要跟老師拗的場合,否則我會轉校。明年升級遇另一個英文老師,你大可寫多次再試試。香港不乏外藉英語老師和英文電視台,網上也有大把。當眾人皆錯我獨對,便要對自己有信心。以後大把咁既機會。


2007-01-27 20:54:01 補充:
補充一下,beauty is only skin deep 也是對的。不過原文也是用 SKIN DEEP,只是後來後人講成 ONLY。Proverb. First found in a work by Sir Thomas Overbury's, 1613: "All the carnall beauty of my wife, Is but skin deep."http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/59200.html

2007-01-27 20:55:59 補充:
也有資料這麼說 (不過按不到個 LINK 入去)Beauty is only skin deep是諺語,那only也可改作but。But同樣有“不過”、“僅僅”的意思,但多見于書面,少用于口頭, ... Beauty is but skin deep.(我認為學識比美貌重要。美貌不能持久)。(2) I don’t like her. Her beauty is only skin deep. ...www.chinapress.com.my/topic/english/default.asp?art=0527eg01.txt - 139k -
2007-02-22 7:59 am
解得詳細! 並且引經句典! 有力正據支持!
非常可信!! 十分優質的解答!
2007-01-27 2:19 pm
beauty is only skin deep
意思係美只是表面的 或 不可以貎取人

所有writing english當然係要跟字典架啦

beauty is only skin deep
2007-01-27 6:13 am
Both are essentially correct but in good oxford english - the right idiom to use is 'Beauty is only skin deep'.

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