how to type spanish in microsoft word?

2007-01-27 5:57 am
how to type spanish in microsoft word?

回答 (2)

2007-01-27 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
要先安裝 spanish 既輸入法。

> 開始
> 控制台
> 地區及語言選項
> 語言
> 文字服務和輸入語言 >詳細資料
> 設定 > 新增
> 新增輸入法語言 choose from scroll down menu 你要既 Spanish 輸人法
> 鍵盤配置 choose Spanish as well > 確定
> (已安裝的服務會見到裝左 spanish) > 確定
> 確定

開 Word New Document,去電腦右下角 Tool bar 上的語言列 use mouse left click the EN or CH (whatever is your default language),就會見到有得揀 Spanish 做輸入法架啦。要想揀番中文或英文都係語言列上轉。
參考: me
2007-01-30 6:19 am
go to tools in in microsoft word , press in lanuages , and choose spanish modern and also you can type symbols in a quicker way :

Alt 130 = é
Alt 130 = á
Alt 161 = í
Alt 162 = ó
Alt 164 = ñ
Alt 129 = ü

you have to hold down Alt then type in number it will show up on screen.
參考: Myself

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