What is mean tb,tbg,pure?

2007-01-27 4:31 am
I do not understand.

回答 (5)

2007-01-28 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
TB = tomboy (打扮得比較男性化的女同性戀者, 在拍拖中扮演男性的女生)
TBG = 打扮得女性化的女同性戀者
PURE = 女同性戀者, 但沒有分打扮
2007-02-11 7:12 am
2007-01-29 9:03 am
tb 男性的女同性戀者
tbg 雙性的女同性戀者
pure 女性的女同性戀者.
2007-01-27 3:30 pm
YO!Man!We have explained many times about them,tb is a girl acts like a boy,tbg is tb's girlfriend,pure is a normal girl that like girls also
2007-01-27 8:05 am
Tb is tom boy ( that is the girl's appearance like a boy)
TBG is the tom boy's girl friend ( also girl)
參考: me

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