WHAT CAN I DO ???!!!

2007-01-27 1:45 am
she is my close friend ! one day in my room she huged kiss me呀 ! 我推开佢, say no ! 佢都夾硬來!但系佢話一直來都好中意我 ! 我立刻一巴过去, first time i saw her tears my god she cried in front me ! 見佢cried我都有心痛 , i have never been see her cried .无可能我哋好好freind ! 又細到大什么都一切, 又好照顧我 . 但我当佢系老死 , 真系沒想过会甘 ! i have bf but i dont want to hurt she , what can i do ? i still want keep the friendship ! but she LOVE me ! so boring !!!

but i dont hurt her again , realy i have been thank to gave her a chance , bause now she so down , she reject my call her never do that ! she is my close friend i very understood her ! she say to me have a try with her , i know she very love me , 見佢甘我都有心痛 !

回答 (5)

2007-01-27 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
You must tell her you are not a tomboy, that you cannot accept her to kiss you

may be you can tell her this truth indirectly
or try to explain that this cannot be happen

it is better than explaining at later stage as you may hurt her even more after she really love you.....

2007-01-29 10:11:42 補充:
宜家你要搞清楚既係你個朋友係咪真係愛上左你, 定還是朋友式既親密....知道左再決定點做, 兩者係有好大分別ga
2007-01-28 8:46 am
可能佢未有拖拍, 所以先至會唔識分"喜歡"同埋"愛"o者......
妳介紹o的男性朋友佢識, 等佢轉移目標, 咁咪無問題囉....
2007-01-27 6:13 am
參考: ME
2007-01-27 4:02 am
She is girl , you are girl too ! ! !

If she is a boy , you can love her , but , she is a girl ~ ~ ~
參考: me
2007-01-27 1:52 am
say no做得好~~

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