
2007-01-27 12:19 am
火腿生菜蕃茄三文治 (1人份量) 卡路里︰286kcal
材料:方包2塊 火腿2片 蕃茄1個 生菜適量
1. 先把蕃茄和生菜清洗乾淨,把蕃茄切片。
2. 把火腿、生菜及蕃茄放在兩塊方包中間,即可。

材料:方包2塊 生菜2片 火腿片2片 甜酸黃瓜3-4片 起司半片 沙拉醬2大匙
做法 :
準夾心由側面斜切,不切斷,先於麵包內側抹上沙拉放入拭乾的生菜及黃瓜片,然後把三角形閉火腿片捲起夾入麵 包,再把起士片放入火腿捲內即可.
<註>沙拉食譜中的洋芋可以用地瓜或芋頭代替. 小黃瓜等易出水的蔬菜,通常最後才加入.

材料:(1) 全麥麵包(我個人比較喜愛麥包),(2) 薯仔/番薯

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2007-01-27 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
火腿生菜蕃茄三文治 (1人份量) 卡路里︰286kcal
材料:方包2塊 火腿2片 蕃茄1個 生菜適量
1. Wash the tomato and romaine lettuce clean first, cut the tomato into slices. 2. Put the ham , romaine lettuce and tomato in the middle of two square bags , that's all. Submarine sandwich material : Square 2 romaine lettuces and 2 slices of hams and a slice of 2 sweet 3-4 slices of cheese and half a slice of mayonnaise and 2 great spoons of methods of pickled cucumber of bag : The ham one is right to cut a triangle, the person arises to cut four slices. Cut accurately and sandwichly obliquly, does not cut off , prior to the bread inboard and spread the salad and put the romaine lettuce which wipes away the universe and cucumber slice, close triangle ham slice is it insert enter bread to roll , and then get up person slice put ham into in the one. the potato in the salad recipe can be replaced with the sweet potato or the taro. Vegetables apt to surface , such as small cucumber ,etc., usually join finally. Sandwich material of young animal of potato : (1)Whole-wheat bread (I relatively like the wheat and wrap up ), (2)potato son / sweet potato seasoning: Taste of accessing oneself and liking in accordance with the personal taste. Such as pepper powder , salt , olive oil , lemon juice ,etc.. Method: Son steams the potato riply, or do the mixing machine to break into the mud with hands. Add the flavouring , stir into the sauce and is used for checking the bread, (can also add romaine lettuce silk , carrot silk , butter pulp , t u n a fish's sauce ,etc. ) to make into the sandwich. Can steam potato son and pumpkin familiar to is it is it eat the shelf simultaneously to bury to drag for together in addition.

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