Any pro-rata 13th month pay under probation?

2007-01-27 12:15 am
I am in the 3rd month of a 3 month probation period in my company, and my contract is a 13 month salary one.

As a common practise in HK, the 13 month salary should be paid together with the last monthly salary payment before every lunar new year (i.e. the end of this Month).

By labour law in HK, am I entitled to a pro-rata 13th month payment???

回答 (4)

2007-01-27 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
你要睇番你張contract個 13 month salary o既 entitlement

通常都會寫住係 permanent staff

但係, permanent staff 唔等如 staff under probation

本人曾經在31 Dec差幾日就過probation, (一月三日過probation) 但因為未係正式員工o既關係都未能領取 13mth salary, 冇得拗.

hope this helps.
參考: myself
2007-01-27 1:28 am
you should refer to your employment contract. Some company would offer pro-rata 13th month payment to the staff whom has completed the probationary period, or staff whom has under employment for 6 months. If your contract hasn't mentioned the terms and conditions, you may also look at the employee handbook.

Most company would not put details on the contract, but on employee handbook instead. The terms and conditions are also valid.
2007-01-27 12:51 am
If your probation period is finished before the Chinese New Year, then you should entile the pro-rata 13th month salary.
2007-01-27 12:23 am
yes . .. . .right

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