
2007-01-26 11:44 pm





中藥醫治血癌的都是清熱湯水。 矛盾,你是寫錯字啦!英文叫ridiculous(有指是滑稽)或contradiction。 還有家天下那篇,我都估唔到現在得票比你多,而且那篇你有錯字,我尚有補充。 heared is wrong spelling,heard is true spelling。 多意見或多發言,可寫talkative。mouth water? 你可電郵給我亦可,但未必可即時覆你,多休息啦!保重啊! 占算是會隨時日而變,而政治可改造人類將來命運。所以我都幾熱衷的。

回答 (1)

2007-01-27 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello !

~ You and me are « 64 generation », so it’s normal that we have 政治狂熱/ sensible of 政治.

Maybe we come from 老師 /作家家庭 in China in 1966. ?

May be we want to understand our real identity ?

May be … simply, we love people and life?

And you have two babies, you want also they will live well in the future…

更年期,就有政治狂熱~ bull***

You are writing day after day your 小神算記 la ,, your baby , little baby can read the thinking of their father, their grandfather everytime…

I believe everything if we are really 狂熱, we can have result, become a good specialist . (your 紫微斗數, for exemple, also Know 起雙飛的花公子 … but not 狂熱賭 la)

~ so Go Go Go !!

紫微斗數 (destiny) and 政治狂熱 ( change) … hehe, Do you so 茅盾 ?? ( i did not find the good word 茅, Very hard to copy/ past chinese words ar )

P.s. 36歲, 本命年 ,, 吳明欽 wasnt cautious ar. Arr, i am often in yahoo knowledge because i am very sick since 12/2006,( 血癌 ?! )and i must stay at home still for one month lol :-p
參考: moi

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