問我想重裝電腦 window

2007-01-26 11:13 pm
問我想重裝電腦 window , 步驟應如何做法?

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Backup all your data
2. Download all the drivers you need for your hardwares (e.g. Display Card, Sound Card and forth....)
3. startup your computer with Windows CD (make sure you set the BIOS, by pressing 'DEL' normally when you startup your computer, to start your CD/DVD Rom before your hard disk)
4. follow the Windows procedure step by step
5. Normally, it will ask you whether you want to format in NTFS or FAT32
(select NTFS if your partition is super big, it would also give you some security and data compression)
(select FAT32 if you are using your computer together with operating system)
Personally, i prefer NTFS)
it is not very hard to reinstall Windows, but you'd better backup every before you do it.
2007-01-27 8:05 pm

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