Shooter (細細杯果d酒)點分類? 佢歷史由來?

2007-01-26 8:50 pm
通常人們會飲邊種? 有咩味? 易醉嘛?

回答 (1)

2007-01-26 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A Shooter (or Shot) is a one- to four-ounce alcoholic beverage. It may consist of one type of alcohol or a cocktail of different alcohols, often mixed with other beverages. Shooters can be shaken, stirred, blended, layered, or simply poured. Shot glasses or sherry glasses are the usual Drinkware from which shooters are served.

A Shooter is most commonly served at a bar. Some bartenders may have their own signature shooter. Shooters, like most cocktails, may vary in their ingredients from bartender to bartender, and from region to region. Two creations may share the same name, but taste very different from each other due to differences in how the drink is prepared. Shooters are often drunk quickly and with groups of people while celebrating.

The names of Shooters are quite varied and may incorporate vulgarities for shock value (e.g., Cocksucking Cowboy) and word of mouth exposure. Names are commonly drawn from pop culture, brand names (e.g., Galliano Hot Shot), People, History (e.g., Irish Car Bomb), taste (e.g., Cement mixer), or perceived effect (e.g., Snake Bite).

1 Shooters with beer
2 Shooters with Irish cream
3 Shooters with rum
4 Shooters with tequila
5 Shooters with vodka
6 Shooters with whiskey/whisky or bourbon
7 Shooters with wine, sparkling wine, or port

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