求英文的連接詞 conjunction

2007-01-26 8:34 pm
希望大家把所有conjunctions post哂出黎,thx

回答 (5)

2007-01-27 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. and
2. or
3. but
4. so
5. after
6. before
7. unless
8. although
9. if
10. until
11. as
12. since
13. when
14. because
15. than
16. while
17. both . . .and
18. either . . . or
19. neither . . . nor
20. not only . . . but also


2007-01-28 01:06:23 補充:
現在問題清晰很多了,希望這是你需要的資料.Co-ordinating conjunctions : and / but / or / nor / for / so / or / yet Subordinating conjunctions : after / although / as / as if / as long as / as much as / as soon as / as though / because / before / even if / even though / 由於字數所限, 緊接有第二輪補充..

2007-01-28 01:08:28 補充:
緊接 even though / how / if / if only / in case that / in order that / no matter how / now that / once / provided (that) / rather than / since / so that / than / that / though / till / unless / until / whatever / when / whence / whenever / whensoever / 由於字數所限, 緊接有第三輪補充..

2007-01-28 01:10:06 補充:
緊接 whensoever / where / whereas / whereat / whereby / wherefrom / wherein / whereof / whereon / wheresoever / whereto / whereupon / wherever / wherewith / whether / while 由於字數所限, 緊接有第四輪補充..

2007-01-28 01:11:04 補充:
第四輪補充如下:Correlative conjunctions : as...as / both...and / either...or / neither...nor / not only...but also / so...as / whether...orhttp://www.wordsmyth.net/live/home.php?script=search&browse=whereat
2007-01-28 5:27 am
1. although
2. though
3. but
4. until
5. unless
6. as soon as
7. as long as
8. and
9. or
10.as well as
11.not only
12.but also

2007-01-27 21:28:22 補充:

2007-01-27 21:29:01 補充:
23.so that
參考: Myself
2007-01-26 10:48 pm
What is a Conjunction?
You can use a conjunction to link words, phrases, and clauses, as in the following example:

I ate the pizza and the pasta.
Call the movers when you are ready.
Co-ordinating Conjunctions
You use a co-ordinating conjunction ("and," "but," "or," "nor," "for," "so," or "yet") to join individual words, phrases, and independent clauses. Note that you can also use the conjunctions "but" and "for" as prepositions.

Subordinating Conjunctions
A subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause and indicates the nature of the relationship among the independent clause(s) and the dependent clause(s).

The most common subordinating conjunctions are "after," "although," "as," "because," "before," "how," "if," "once," "since," "than," "that," "though," "till," "until," "when," "where," "whether," and "while."

Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions always appear in pairs -- you use them to link equivalent sentence elements. The most common correlative conjunctions are "both...and," "either...or," "neither...nor,", "not only...but also," "so...as," and "whether...or." (Technically correlative conjunctions consist simply of a co-ordinating conjunction linked to an adjective or adverb.)
2007-01-26 9:23 pm
Types of conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions, also called coordinators, are conjunctions that join two items of equal syntactic importance. As an example, the traditional view holds that the English coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so (which form the mnemonic FANBOYS). Note that there are good reasons to argue that only and, but, and or are prototypical coordinators, while nor is very close. So and yet share more properties with conjunctive adverbs (e.g., however), and "for...lack(s) most of the properties distinguishing prototypical coordinators from prepositions with clausal complements" . Furthermore, there are other ways to coordinate independent clauses in English.

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions which work together to coordinate two items. English examples include both … and, either … or, not (only) … but (… also).

Subordinating conjunctions, also called subordinators, are conjunctions that introduce a dependent clause; English examples include after, although, if, unless, and because. Another way for remembering is the mnemonic "BISAWAWE": "because", "if", "so that", "after", "when", "although", "while", and "even though".
2007-01-26 8:43 pm
because, if ,so that , after, when, although , w hile, even though
both … and, either … or, not (only) … but (… also).

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