我想問一下loucal tour

2007-01-26 7:56 pm
本人快要到澳洲旅行,想問一下去loucal tour 在網上book平點定係去到先book好呀

我去布里斯本 ,黃金海岸---skydive,zorb,沉船區 開茵茲---大堡僬,熱氣球,kurnada, 悉尼---藍山,,自己去可以嗎是否一定要跟團 墨爾本---我想自己駛車去大洋路..問親友借車是否易去

回答 (5)

2007-01-27 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually it is very common to travel by driving around. However, it will take you some time if you are not familiar with the places. So local tour is a good choice. Some of them do not quote their price on the website and they might have some trips on discount in a short period of time.

If you choose to book it online, your place should be secure after you have paid online. If you choose to book it later, you may have a surprise in the tour fee but the tour may be fully booked.

I would suggest you to visit some websites before making any decisions. e.g.

By the way, about GREAT OCEAN ROAD, if I were you, I definitely will join the local tour instead of driving cos you can look around the beautiful view rather than concentrate on driving on that hard road!
參考: personal experience... i have been to great ocean road.
2007-01-27 6:34 pm
唔知你去澳洲邊度,可以提供幾間local day tour公司比你參考:gary line、great sight同埋aat king。

depends on你budget係幾多,你可以選擇join 唐人agent搞o既local day tour(講中文),或者上面講果幾間鬼佬公司。唐人搞o既比較平(中van、可能會係part time 司機連導遊),但係鬼佬就貴d但安全d舒服d(兩層冷暖器大巴、專業司機導遊同埋包埋morning tea,兼且大公司可多團可以靈活switch between幾個團,多d路線選擇)。

如果係唐人搞o既day tour我諗你係網上報同去到china town應該都係一樣價錢,不過未必個個city都會比你搵到有得online booking o既agent,可以睇下呢個:

而鬼佬團可以網上報或者去當地information center報,價錢都會一樣。另外,我有經驗去一d唐人agent度,佢都會代報鬼佬團,佢幫你報會平d,例如我試過係melbourne china town報gary line,個團原價係一百六十幾,咁平左就變左一百一十幾,都平幾多架。所以如果melbourne我可以介紹你china town的on flight travel,個agent講廣東話好nice~(咁唔算廣告呀可?哈)佢唔單止可以幫你報melbourne的day tour,佢重可以幫你報埋其他city 既,所以如果你會去melbourne,兼且第一站就係melbourne,咁去佢度安排好晒之後o既 day tour都係唔錯o既選擇,唔使去到每個city 都要花平日報day tour 嘛!(澳洲鬼做野好慢,我成日都要花兩三個鐘去報幾日o既day tour!)


2007-01-27 22:23:53 補充:
去藍山的話,我都係自己去,sydney火車有一個套票係包埋去到藍山之後坐佢o既觀光車,遊客可以根據自己喜好係唔同地方落車,玩完再上返車,佢好似大概隔廿分鐘定半個鐘會有一班車~ 不過搭火車去都幾耐,單程好似要兩個幾鐘,唔知你join day tour會唔會快d~~本身覺得great ocean road條路唔難搵,好多sign,自己楂ok,我覺得可以自己選擇地方停好d~不過樓下朋友所言都有道理,楂果度都要幾專注,話晒好多段路旁邊都係崖~或者要depends你有幾多人同你一齊share楂車~至於係gold coast玩zorb,你online book應該都ok~~
參考: 自己
2007-01-27 4:58 pm
from the airport or other travel information centre, get those travel booklets. Usaually they have discount coupon. And the people in the travel information centre are very helpful.
2007-01-26 8:54 pm
如果你尚未決定到那裡,可以去到當地時看看你所住的酒店有沒有做 promotion才決定。有時會有意外驚喜哩!
參考: self
2007-01-26 8:02 pm

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