
2007-01-26 6:08 pm
(1.) 薪金水平是多少錢?
(2.) 房租是多少錢?
(3.) 交通費是多少錢?
(4.) 飲食及日常用品是多少錢?
(5.) 辦理入境手續需注意什麼事項?
(6.) 還有什麼事情需特別留意?


回答 (2)

2007-01-27 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) What kind of job are you talking about? Annual salary can range from US$20k to hundred million dollars. But typical is US$40ks to US50ks a year. (It seems a lot compare to Hong Kong, but it is also a lot more expensive to live in New York.)

2) Rent expectation is usually around US$1k per month plus utilities cost. You can probably found somewhere cheaper; but be aware the neighbourhood since crime rate is high in some areas. There are a lot of apartments cost more than that in New York.

3) Subway (underground train like the MTR in Hong Kong) and buses are fixed fare at US$2 per trip no matter how far or close you go. There are plans to raise the price in the near future.

4) Really depends on how much you use. But the cost of life is a lot more expensive than in Hong Kong. A big mac meal in New York costs almost US$7, a can of soda costs US$1. All these things add up.

5.) As long as you have the right documents, it ususally not that difficult to enter the US as a Hong Kong citizen.
2007-01-29 8:07 pm
1) 普通唔係高學歷都會大概有1000-1600(美金)
3)地鐵/巴士,用同一張月票就76, 一個星期就21,一日就7,一程就$2,不過可以免費係地鐵/巴士, or 巴士/地鐵轉一次

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