如果外地寄信黎香港, 有咩要注意??

2007-01-26 8:46 am
例如美國, 加拿大, 英國等
香港冇郵遞區號, 會唔會寄唔到黎@@

咁如果我o係地址最後寫HONG KONG, CHINA 會唔會寄唔到架@@?

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 9:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
噢 ! 太簡單了 !
任何外地寄來香港的信件, 只要具備詳細的地址、 付足郵資及沒內含違禁品, 便通行無阻。
沒郵遞區號絕不會難倒精明的郵差叔叔, 放心 !
中、 英文地址也可收到, 條件是地址必須詳盡, 且郵資已付。
您真是善長仁翁, 問這麼淺易的問題來送贈分數, 祝君好心有好報 !
2007-02-02 9:42 am
If you want to post a letter from the United States to Hong Kong,
you just have to write both the receiver's address and your own adress CLEARLY.
And put a 80 - 90 cent stamp on it.
(I have posted a letter from LA to Hong Kong with a 90 cent stamp successfully.)
remember, clearly state that,
which one is the receiver, and which one is your own adress.
write "TO" and "FROM" to make everything clear
cuz the stupid American postman can mess them up.

the last thing you have to write is, write "AIR MAIL" on the left bottom corner.

then I guess the letter will be fine.

2007-02-02 01:45:36 補充:
just English address is okay. Dont have to worry abt the 郵遞區號.remeber to write HONG KONG at the end of the receiver`s adress

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