Unbiased estimator

2007-01-26 6:14 am
Y has a binomial distribution with parameters n=number of trials and p=probability of success, Y/n is an unbiased estimator of p, then derive the unbiased estimator of V(Y) in term of Y and n.
[n(Y/n)(1-Y/n) is biased]

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
I just derive the method
So if we want to have an unbiased estimator of pq
Then we can use (n/n-1)(Y/n)(1-Y/n)
Now if we want to have the unbiased estimator of V(Y) in term of Y and n.
Then we can use
2007-01-26 7:46 am
I don't know whether you can use the rule of Var(Y)= E(Y^2)- E(Y)^2

= E(Y^2)- E(Y)^2
= Y^2/n - Y^2/n^2
= Y^2 (n-1)/(n^2)

2007-01-25 23:57:31 補充:
This is not an estimator. Your question had already said Y is the distribution itself, *not the estimation*, so the variance of Y is calculated, not estimated.Estimation of variance based on empirical data is entirely different matter.

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