
2007-01-26 6:10 am
Can you help me think some point or help me to do??
about 500words

topic: Smoking is banned in HK open areas since year2007.Suggest at least 3 ways to help applying the new regulation successfully.

PS: you can only give the ways to me ga

回答 (3)

2007-01-26 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Starting from January 1, 2007, smoking is not allowed in the public area in Hong Kong. To ensure the act is working well, the followings are some measures to strengthen its implementation.
(1) Provide health education - not only to the smoker but also thier family member and close friends;
(2) Increase cigarette tax - to deduct the number of smokers who can afford the expenses;
(3) Frequent inspection in the public area;
(4) Allow direct complaints by phone / fax / web and act immediately accordingly;
(4) Introduce awards system for successful person;
(5) Increase the penalty for person who do not follow the rule
參考: I hope this can help
2007-01-26 6:20 am
Arouse the public about the most unwanted damage caused by smoking, e.g. degrading sexual ability, by the most intensive advertising media, e.g. TV, internet.
Just like displaying the paper police in supermarket to avoid shop lifting, a paper beauty can be displayed in the open area to attract people's attention.
encourage the owner and the staff of restaurants or shops to display the penalty notice in their area.
2007-01-26 6:14 am
‧through proparganda by government
‧through life education
‧held some talks about this issue

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