urgent 20分...互聯網供應商屬於乜野市場結構?

2007-01-26 5:28 am

回答 (3)

2007-01-26 7:22 am
✔ 最佳答案

Discussion Forum.
To serve as a forum for consideration of issues or topics that may affect the development and deployment of Internet in Hong Kong.

To Promote Development of Internet Industry.
To promote development of Internet infrastructure, fair market competition, and the growth of the Internet industry in Hong Kong.

Industry Interest.
To formulate and promulgate policy in respect of regulatory and governmental issues involving the Internet industry and to represent the Internet industry in its interface with governmental bodies and the public at large.

Code of Practice.
To establish and maintain a Code of Practice for ISP members.
參考: Me
2007-02-04 5:39 am
It's not about 市場結構 at all... the other 2 "其他回答" are much better
2007-01-26 10:45 pm
Oligopoly 寡頭壟斷

- few dominant sellers supplying most of the output => 只有幾個主要的供應者
- many buyers in the market => 差唔多每個家庭都要la
- sellers sell similar but differentiated (有分別) product =>都提供上網服務, 但有快有慢, 有d 有增值服務, 例: 寬頻電話
- there's restriction (限制) of entry of new firms into the market because of huge (大量) capital (資金), technological (技術) and licensing (牌照) requirement (要求) => 係啦
- buyers and sellers cannot get the market information easily => 佢d 唔要好清楚提供價錢, 有d 仲係海鮮價! 人人唔同, 街邊promote 同直接問佢唔同
- dominant seller are interdependent sine they are selling similar goods => 一間減價或者送野, 其他0個d 可能會跟風
參考: F4 econ textbook & myself

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