森美的資料 [急!]

2007-01-26 3:46 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 3:54 am
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姓名 森美

真名/別名 梁志健

生日 12月3日

星座 人頭馬

曾讀學校 喇沙書院、聖士提反書院、中文大學、潮州達旦大學

婚姻狀況 成日鬧交,家嘈屋閉,個女走o左

你認為「愛情」是 每當你見到我

入行經過 受人賞識,大學時被電台高層邀請做Part-time

最難忘的直播經歷 講o左o的唔應該講 o既說話:“我愛6叔”

你認為「工作」是 唔開心o既每一刻,朝九晚五

喜愛音樂 Bossa Nova, Drum & Bass, Reggae

喜愛電影 4 X 100水著份子







宇宙突擊隊之 Uma 與 Neko — 砂鍋雲吞雞

Uma 與 Neko(1)

Uma 與 Neko(2)


Uma 與 Neko(3)
2007-01-26 3:58 am
Sammy Leung Tsz Kin (Chinese : 森美/梁志健) (born December 3, 1973) is a popular DJ/MC/pop singer/actor in Hong Kong's Commercial Radio.

Sammy Leung tried out for being a DJ in Commercial Radio when he was in the New Asia College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. At that time, he was working part-time. However Sammy became a DJ and took the name Kelvin at first. Then he used his own English name into Chinese translation as his DJ name. From that day, he was called Sammy.

A few years later in his DJ career, he was paired with Kitty Yuen Siu Yi and continue their partnership till today.

One of Sammy's show that is without Siu Yi is Sammy Moving that includes the members Leo Chim, Ah So, Marco, and recently joined Seven Chan.

Sammy was reprimanded recently, because his radio show organized an online poll on "The female artist whom you want to harass most". Although the majority of Hong Kong people did not agree with the punishment he received, he was still "frozen" for 2 months, during which he could not take up any paid jobs but instead had to attend to classes on media ethics.

But after the two months, he and Kitty were even more popular than before because their fans, who appreciated what they had done to face the obstacles, were getting more and more. They also played a stage show called Big Nose. They claimed that they learned a lot from the mistake they had made, and they also gained many friendship and happiness from their true friends and families.

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