
2007-01-26 3:14 am
Complete the sentences using by myself/for yourself/to himself etc:
1.Can i help you with that?
No thanks,i want to do it_____.
2.Did Jim go with Paul?
No,he went________.
3.Do you like holidays with friends?
No,we prefer holidays______.

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 3:31 am
1. by myself (因為 i 是用 myself 的)
2. to himself (因為 he 是用 himself 而 she 是用 herself 的)
3.we 是用 themself 的,但之前用 by / for / to 我不確定我再想下才回答
參考: me
2007-01-26 3:20 am
1. by myself
2. by himself
3. by ourselves
參考: me

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