邊度有會計part-time Degree讀??

2007-01-26 2:15 am
想問下大家邊度有會計part-time Degree讀呢??我想今年9月開始讀,依家先去申請會唔會太遲呢?我有HD學歷,不過唔係專讀Account,入到機會大唔大??

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
以下係hkicpa認可的part degree

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BA (Hons) in Accountancy (Part-time) (3-year route or 5-year route)
BA (Hons) in Accountancy (Part-time Conversion Degree)
BBA (Hons) with a major in Accountancy (Full-time and mixed mode

The Open University of Hong Kong
BBA (Hons) in Accounting
BBA (Hons) in Professional Accounting

City University of Hong Kong
BA (Hons) in Accountancy (Part-time)

應該ok ge~
因為part time degree都係for出黎做野的人讀,最多咪由year 1 讀起lor
part time degree係會睇working experience

唔會,各大院校都係呢排先application form~non jupas....

另外仲有overseas同hk 搞的top up(and 多數係part time)
icpa 都係認可的,都係比較易入

Napier University (in collaboration with scope of City University of Hong Kong)
BA (Hons) Accounting (Hong Kong)

Queensland University & Technology (in collaboration with School for Higher & Professional Education - Chai Wan , VTC)
Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)

University of South Australia (in collaboration with the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Bachelor of Accountancy (Hong Kong)
2007-01-26 2:24 am
Poly U

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