誠請各老師 和 高手 修改一翻 : 會考自修生懇求

2007-01-26 1:27 am

本人是會考自修生,以上網址是本人的作文,自知錯誤甚多,懇請各高手們改正一下本人的文章,如發現有任何不通順或 有較皆的句法,文法錯誤,還望修改指點. 感激萬分.

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

Last summer, I hoped to buy a watch for my mother's (mother改做mother's) birthday and I didn't want to spend other's money but mine. So I decided to work in a big restaurant as a waitress for a month. This was (is改做was) my first time to work out of home or school. So(naturally改做so
,因為naturally是中文,不是英文) , I was a little bit (加個bit) nervous.

In (加in) the first day of working (加working), as (唔駛soon as都有同樣意思) I came to the restaurant, I saw a very well-mannered man standing in the corner opposite to (加to) the door, the one I had saw before in a job (加job) interview. He was (is 改做was) my manager, 'Hi,’ I said. He knew who I was and remembered what I was here for. Then (after改做then) I put on a beautiful uniform like a artress, I started to work.

In (加in) the following (first改做following) week, I was very stupid on doing (to do做on doing) anything and (唔駛even in one time) I nearly dropped a dish from my hands to a client. The manager didn't blame me strictly(heavily改做strictly) and also he told (priased改做told) me that I was much better than another(other改做another) (冇必要講summer) worker . Since then, I was more confident and more careful on my work (to do each part改做on my work). No matter who come in my restaurant,(.改做逗號) I would smile to (at改做to) them and also they would smile to (at改做to) me too(加too). I served them politely. Day after day, gradually, I knew many clients (much client改做much clients) in the restaurant and kept a good relationship with them(加with them). Thus, they enjoy the (加the) services of the (our改做the) restaurant.

A month later, when my summer job (joy改做job) finished, the manager gave me more money than I deserved. I had got enough money and I was happy enough (加money and i was, enough) to jump up. I hope to go through another experience like that in this summer.
參考: 自己
2007-01-26 1:42 am
Last summer, I was hoping to buy a watch for my mother for her birthday, so I decided to work as a waitress in one of the biggest restaurant in Hong Kong for a month. That was my first time working outside my home or school. Naturally, I was a little nervous.

As soon as I stepped into the restaurant on my first day of work, I saw a very well-mannered man standing in the corner opposite the door. He was the man who interviewed me on my job interview. He was my boss. "Excuse me?" I said as I walked up to him. He knew immediately who I was and remembered what I was there for. He gave me a brief introduction of the restaurant and told me to get prepared. After I put on the uniform, which made me look like a actress, I started to work.

During my first week of work, I was very stupid in doing everything. Once, I nearly dropped a dish from my hands onto one of the customers. Luckily, my boss did not blame me. On other occassions, he even praised me. He said that I was already much better than the other summer workers. Since then, my confidence grew and I became more careful in doing my work. No matter who comes into the restaurant, I give them my brightest smile, sometimes they will return me with a smile too. I served them politely. As time passed, I got to know the usual customers and kept a good relationship with them. Thus, they enjoy the services of our restaurant.

One month later, when my summer joy has finished, my boss gave me more money than I should be given. I was so excited! I hope to have more experiences like this in the coming summer.
參考: grammar ok wor, but 有少少離題, 唔夠funny

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