請問 中國d人工平 o既英文點講呀???

2007-01-26 1:21 am
因為響中國o既human resource o既價錢較低

甘樣依度點樣 可以用好d o既英文講???

有無d 再好d o既字眼r??

回答 (3)

2007-01-26 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
The cost of labor in China is low.
The cost of labor in China is cheap.
2007-01-26 1:56 am
The labour cost in China is relatively lower then many other countries, especially compare to the labour costs in North American and Europe.
2007-01-26 1:37 am
Evener is suitable in the Chinese resources value

2007-01-25 17:45:06 補充:
更正:in the Chinese resources value Is cheaper

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