Is it required to learn piano and violin together ?

2007-01-26 12:35 am
My daughter passed grade 5 violin exam last year. The violin teacher said that she should learn piano now. Otherwise she cannot play good when further learning in Grade 6 or above in violin.

Is it a must for learning piano when learning violin in higher grade ?

From my limited knowledge, I understand that to learn piano will improve the hearing / aural section in the violin examination. Can I just study some course for ear training to serve the same purpose ?

回答 (1)

2007-01-26 9:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Piano is the fundermental instrument just beacuse of the music theory.

I agree that knowing piano is essential in learning MUSIC, but i don't think it's essential for just learning violin (or any other instruments). My friend got ATCL in violin without knowing how to play piano.

If your daughter is not going to study music, she can just learn the theory and have more ear training, that's fine. There are aural training specifically for students taking graded exam. I just afraid that your daughter's teacher will be unhappy to see your daughter not following his/her advice.

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