暗戀一個人, 真是很辛苦, 整個腦已經被他佔據.

2007-01-26 12:12 am
這一個人, 如再有機會見他, 都已經係大半後既事, 可能他到時已不再
認得我. 其實我都不明為何自已那麼深深掛念他, 身邊有好多事情都不能
上心, 整個腦就填滿他的影像. 我知道我不能夠在這樣下去, 應該怎麼做呢!?

回答 (5)

2007-01-26 1:20 am
其實你自沉煩惱, 你只是暗戀(可能仲大家都唔認識), 又唔係真係同佢拍過拖, 無同他一起生活過, 純粹是幻想, 有乜理由忘記唔到呀!

多參加朋友活動充實時間, 少胡思亂想.....慢慢你就會忘記他喇!
2007-01-26 12:51 am
時間 係最好之藥..

2007-01-26 12:37 am
My stand: I don't see the point to forget him.
Ask yourself,

“Are you really that anxious to him/her?

Is he the only person that u are thinking of in every second?

What are your responsibilities? If u devote your attention to "thinking of him",
do u think your job or studies will be affected?”

I tell you what, it's very difficult to forget this person,
as he seems quite important to u.

However, u could simply turn this into benefit.
Say do your best in your studying/working aspect,
Believe that by the time u two meet again each other,
He will be very pleased with your achievement in studying/working.

Try to consider this person as your impetus…

I really want to help u, I have quoted a psychological therapy and some approaches on above…
To be honest, I faced a similar situation two years ago…”She” has been the one to me…

If u want further help or advice, you are always welcome.
[email protected] email
I think my experience could help…
參考: exp. psy. theory...
2007-01-26 12:15 am
2007-01-26 12:15 am

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