Hksi examination問題

2007-01-25 10:41 pm
我想問 University graduate in Business management not finance or ecnomic
不需考paper 7& 8,是不是要成績好,才可以豁免考試? 我經濟及financial mgt 得c grade

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
基本上如果本身Major係Finance或者Accounting畢業的就唔洗就可以唔洗考Paper 7 & 8.
若果唔係Finance或者Accounting做Major的, 只要有讀過並合格任何兩科有關Finance / Accounting / Economics的都可以唔洗考Paper 7 & 8.
成績唔好無所謂, 合格就得。
你考完Paper 1之後, 連埋你的大學Transcript比現職公司幫你上文件去申請就得架喇。
2007-01-25 10:56 pm
As I understand, if you have studied some subjects in economics or finance, then you may be exempted from papers 7 & 8. But I think you'd better send an email and ask. I sent one to them before as well.

If you can claim for exemption, you do not need to do extra things, just hand in the application form and your certificate/transcripts. They will verify the documents and grant you the exemption automatically.

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