勁急 !! 麻煩譯英文 ~ 快 !!! 無言感激 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-25 10:20 pm
麻類幫手譯為英文信 ~

With reference to your advertisement in Labour Department on 20 November 2006 for the above post, 因本人對零售行業非常有興趣,因此來信應徵有關職位。

本人現於 ABC 公司任職 Sales Co-ordinator,工作範圍包括 ... ... ...,本人有豐富的 Sales Co-ordinator 及零售業的工作經驗,因此本人很有信心能應付未來工作的要求及挑戰。

本人現正修讀有關 AAA 的課程,未來亦將會不繼進修以升自己的工作技能。本人知道未能達到該職位的學歷要求,但因本人對貴公司的工作及業務性質很感興趣,因此特來信應徵,希望貴公司能給本人一個寶貴機會。

回答 (3)

2007-01-27 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
With reference to your advertisement dated 20 November 2006 posted through Labour Department inviting application for the post of XXX, I would like to apply for the job as I have great interest in the retail industry.

Currently I am working as a Sales Co-ordinator with ABC Company. My duties include........ I have accumulated substantial experience in sales-coordination and in-depth knowledge in retail business which give me enough confidence in meeting the demand and challenges lying ahead.

I am now taking a course on AAA and will make acquiring knowledge a life mission so as to sharpen my competitive edge. I am aware that my academic qualification might not be up to your requirements, but my keen interest in your company and the nature of the job I am applying for gives me the impetus to write this letter. I appreciate if you would favourably consider my application and grant me an interview at your earliest convenience.

Enclosed please find my C. V. for your perusal and thank you for your kind attention.
2007-01-25 10:40 pm
With reference to your advertisement in Labour Department on 20 November 2006 for the above post, I am now writing to apply for the job.

I am now working in ABC company as a Sales Co-ordinator, my duties include..... I have rich experience in sales coordinating and retail industry. I am confident that my practical experiences can help me tackling challenges intelligently in your company .

Besides, I am enthusiastic in learning, I am now taking courses related to AAA so as to acquire related knowledge and skills and I am confident that my attitude in continuous learning as well as the practical skills enhance me to make immediate contribution in your company.

Looking forward to your favourable reply.
參考: myself
2007-01-25 10:38 pm
With reference to your advertisement in Labour Department of 20/11/2006, I am writing to apply for the captioned post.

Having worked in ABC Co for XXX years, I have benefited from the knowledge of sales co-ordination and retailing so I set this field as my future career. At that moment I have acquired a qualification of . Furthermore, I am now taking a course of XXXXX in order to enhance my knowledge of this area.

My academic background together with with my years' working experience, has made me particularly qualified for the captioned position.

Enclosed please find a copy of my resume for your kind consideration. I should be grateful for an interview at your convenience.

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