Management Information Systems 問題..急問急要!!!!!

2007-01-25 9:01 pm
Management Information Systems 問題:





回答 (2)

2007-01-26 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案

a. 落單時,服務員寫錯客人的order --> 出錯
(寫錯枱號、客人order / 服務員不熟悉公司餐牌)
b. 落單時,服務員沒有寫下客人的order --> 漏單
c. 落單後,服務員沒有即時 / 甚至忙了把order 入廚房 --> 慢 / 漏單
d. order 入廚房後,廚房做漏 / 遲出 order --> 慢 / 漏單
e. order 入廚房後,彈番出樓面 --> 慢
(可能係order鬼畫符,廚房要問清楚先出到 / 入到去先發現賣哂,要問多次個客)

a. 先回顧現行程序是否出現上述問題 (應分別向樓面 / 廚房員工了解,並加以觀察)
b. 列出問題發出頻率以了解哪一個工序為重災區以落重藥
c. 重新製訂出菜程序及觀察期,觀察期過後再重新檢視
d. 重覆a - c

3. 有d咩suggest去解決呢個問題呢???
a. 有budget的話,換電腦化系統,必須要留意的是要測試系統的穩定性及為員工進行足夠培訓,以免實行新系統時天下大亂。
b. 無budget的話,
(i) 定期培訓樓面 / 廚房員工熟悉公司的菜單 or 套餐 及 枱號分佈,尤其是會搭枱
(ii) 加強溝通- 使用統一的簡寫 / 代號,減低混亂出錯。供菜情況,一旦無貨要盡快通知樓面,以免繼續落單。(見大部份食肆出菜位有黑板寫低售罄菜式 or 有大聲公作announcement)
(iii) 落單紙的設計- 配合公司的菜式
(iv) 落單紙的設計 - 列明落單次序,如加單/追單,避免重覆出菜。
(v) 分工合作 - 樓面服務員負責自己的區域,落單時重覆客人的order,落單後,可交由組長 / 特定的服務員統一傳單至廚房,加快處理order。廚房應有特別人員負責擔任樓面跟廚房的聯絡員,一方面可初步審視交來的order是否有問題 (如不明代號 / 無此菜式等) 可立即跟進;另一方面,可監察廚房的出菜進度。
2007-01-27 2:34 am
It is more likely that the questions are caused by human mistake or error, as your raised items:

1. Transcription error, reading error, low operations efficiency. It is likely that these are customer service problem. Bad customer service cannot retain the customer and earning.

2. To improve the situation, it is suggested to simplify the operation and which may cause less error, and improve the efficiency. For example, to codify the information, and make a selection sheet which is like the dim sum order sheet in Chinese restaurant for the client to select the foods. Because of the codification, the foods are standardised. Chef can routinely make the food and improve the efficiency. Also, preparation of pre-made food can improve the cooking time.

3. To follow some of the ideas in fast food shop may improve the situation. Or, you can invent an operations procedure which run between a restaurant and a fast food shop. Use of hi-tech may not be the only solution to the problem. Catering needs server not computer. Or, you can build a high-end product fast food shop.

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