有誰知Azazeal and nephelim是誰?

2007-01-25 8:30 pm

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記錄在猶太教摩西五經或基督教的舊約(Genesis 6:1),是指神的子民(有說是亞當之流,有說是天使之流)與人類的女人(非神民)雜交生下的下一代為Nephilim。

2007-01-26 11:22:06 補充:
But the goat for Azazel is to be placed living before the Lord, for the taking away of sin, that it may be sent away for Azazel into the waste land.但那拈鬮歸與阿撒瀉勒的羊、要活著安置在耶和華面前、用以贖罪、打發人送到曠野去、歸與阿撒瀉勒。【利未記16章10節】

2007-01-26 11:22:30 補充:
There were men of great strength and size on the earth in those days; and after that, when the sons of God had connection with the daughters of men, they gave birth to children: these were the great men of old days, the men of great name.那時候有偉人在地上、後來神的兒子們、和人的女子們交合生子、那就是上古英武有名的人。【創世記6章4節】

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