點先可以認識多d vocabulary

2007-01-25 6:30 pm
有時想講/寫英文時,中文就當然知點講喇, 但就吾知個英文點寫
有咩辦法能夠認識多d vocabulary呢

回答 (4)

2007-01-25 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you're a primary student, I'd prefer the book "English Vocabulary in Use" by Michael Mc Carthy Felicity & O' Dellthe and printed by Cambridge Unversity Press. This book has 3 standards including elementary (P.1-2 student), pre-intermediate & intermediate (P.3-4) and upper-intermediate (P.5-6) including an exercise book called "Test your English Vocabulary in Use".

If you're a secondary student or over, I'd recommend you to read teenage novels and record your vocab. "Word Smart" by The Princeton Review is another amazing glossary of 1,505 words you need to know to communicat effectively, be more persuasive, to get more from your reading and score higher on the SAT and other standardized tests. It has got precise definitions, examples and quizzes. This book may be a bit difficult but if you really learn from it, you'd surely outstand the crowd =) enjoy!
參考: Well, I am currently considering to do english tutoring for primary and secondary students after graduation at an Australian high school in Nov 07. If you are interested, feel free to e-mail to [email protected]
2007-01-25 7:27 pm
有辦法能夠認識多d vocabulary,多的睇英文報紙,睇多的英文台的節目
2007-01-25 6:40 pm
坊間有d 分晒類別的vocab 書籍, 如行業, 旅遊, 表情等, 就可以分門別類有系統咁學vocab

樓上仁兄說多看報紙及小說亦有幫助, 但一定要查字典, 真正咁了解字義同用法, 然後就記下, 以便日後翻查

另外, 我有時會看字典, 在無聊時亂掀, 多看一下加深印象
2007-01-25 6:38 pm
參考: 經驗

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