dont want to have kid,please help

2007-01-25 5:56 pm
I am 43 and my husband 55,and we are married 3 years. I am not feeling like to have kid,for financial,physical and emotional reasons. But he has been trying all ways to force me,even ask a psychic to come to my home to pray for me. I said I am not ready at all.They said its heavenly will for me to have kid. What should I deal with this?

回答 (3)

2007-01-25 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
May be you need to ask him to respect your choice and tell him the reason that you don't want a baby.

First of all. 43 years old to have a baby is a bit too old. It is dangerous to you. You can ask him, what would happen if you die but the baby survive, is it good to your husband and the baby without mother.

In Addition, you husband, 55 this year. If his sperm really heathly. Can't tell!

One more thing you can mention, is the life of the baby. When the baby is 10 years old, you two will be 54 - 66. Do you two still in good heathly to take care of him. Do you think you two can witness you son 's wedding, having his baby. Probably can't.

To have a kid, fathers and mothers have great responsibility.

Hope it can help you two
2007-01-26 1:06 am
I think you are old. It is dangerous to have kid.You can ask the doctor.
參考: myself
2007-01-25 6:00 pm
I think you are too old. It is so dangerous to have kid. You should kill your little baby.
參考: Me

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