關於上網BOOK 機票問題--LONON返香港

2007-01-25 1:44 pm
我係http://www.cheapflights.co.uk/ 到用佢個RESEARCH ENGINE到哥到D網站都係600幾磅 國泰既 (7月14號飛返香港 9月5號返)
但係我係返國泰自己個網 就要成800磅 點解會咁既
如果買600幾磅哥D 可唔可靠 又或者個網可唔可靠?
定係你地話跟 香港 或者 LONDON唐人街 D 旅行社 買 都會有咁600幾磅GE 價錢呢?

how about book it in Hong Kong? Are there any travel agents do that kind of ticket? how about the price?

回答 (2)

2007-01-25 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

其它幫人訂票既公司(ONLINE或NOT ONLINE)一定平D。只不過因為QUOTA 問題﹐比如AIRLINE只比20個位名額那公司﹐QUOTA一過你就買唔到TICKET﹐但其實去OFFICIAL

除此之外﹐就係CLASS既問題﹐OFFICIAL買既時間鬆動D﹐或TIMING都係最好既﹐售後服務亦好好﹐可以揀位坐呀﹐落機仲可以有大半日用等等。TRAVEL BUREAU 買既就限時限刻﹐售後未必會再理﹐未必比你轉時間(延前或延後)﹐無得揀位而且位置通常不佳呀甘﹐坐完機就唔見左成日就好多時係呢個原因。

你講既可唔可靠最主要係看你買的那間口碑如何﹐旁人好難幫你估。但在外面買既的確係平D既。我都在外面店買過好多次機票都無問題﹐網上訂既都無問題﹐OFFICIAL買既都試過﹐COMPARE起來﹐OFFICIAL 買既售後服務真係無它能及﹐網訂既係方便但無灣轉﹐外面買既平過OFFICIAL但有時貴過網訂﹐服務OK但有D煩人好多時都WAITING LIST。


2007-01-25 07:53:57 補充:
Whoops sorry you're from London! I've checked your date up on some other more trust worthy websites, they're all around $8XX, so not sure why you got that $6XX..Besides, what usually happen is, the later you book a ticket, the cheaper the ticket will be. This is my experience.
2007-01-26 3:25 am
I have never book with www.cheapflight.co.uk before... But I have tried www.airlines-network.co.uk and www.lastminute.com which are both OK and trusty... But you may not be able to find Cathay Pacific at such price... But they usually do pretty cheap in-direct flight as well for only GBP350~450 in my experience... Some of them will have Air New Zealand as well which is usually around GBP500...
Booking though Cathay Pacific website is expensive, as they are selling tickets which is better sub-class which means better terms and conditions... So maybe you can have a look at the sub-class for these two tickets and their condition... But for travel agency in China Town, dont expect that they do cheap direct flight as many now are rather expensive and at least GBP600 or above... But you can call them to have a check with Sagitta Travel which is the main travel agency and mainly do direct flight, their phone number is 08700778888 and for Far East Travel which do cheaper in-direct flight, their phone number is 08450702188... Hope these will help...

2007-01-25 19:27:56 補充:
If you have confirmed the ticket is around GBP600... Then I will suggest you to book it now... As you are travelling during peak-season where cheap tickets will goes quickly... But when you are flying in low season, you can book it later and the fare could be even cheaper than now...

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