
2007-01-25 10:15 am
Wii 的手制可用另類的方式來玩動作、射擊、運動遊戲等等, 有別於 PS3 and Microsoft 的手制只可普遍咁禁制


回答 (4)

2007-01-25 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Chinese version needs some more information. My suggestion:

The controller of Wii is equipped with infra-red and internal motion sensors which allow players to mimic real body movement when playing action, shooting, and sport games. Such feature distinguishes Wii from PS3 and X-Box, which still rely on traditional button-based control pads.
2007-01-25 9:54 pm
Rather than just hitting buttons as the PS3 and Microsoft controllers, Wii Remotes give you an extraordinary experience when you play actions, shootings, sports, and so forth.


2007-01-29 11:21:08 補充:
任天堂已把Wii的手制稱為Remote, 再沒有Controller...http://wii.nintendo.com/virtualconsole_en.jsp
2007-01-25 4:31 pm
Wii's controller can have other ways to play action, shooting and sports etc, it;s different from PS3 and Microsoft's controller which can only play normally.
參考: Me
2007-01-25 10:28 am
The controller of Wii can be utilized with other special programs such as actions, firing, sports, etc. and it is very different from the controllers of PS3 and Microsoft which only allows for hitting the its button normally.
參考: myself

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