
2007-01-25 8:41 am

回答 (5)

2007-01-25 9:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

Dear All,

Pls noted that I will have anual leave / sick leave on 25.01.2007(Wed) - 26.01.2007(Thu). And will back office one 27.01.2007.

Thanks and Best Regards,
(Your Name)

這封信簡單易明,forward 出去俾有關同事就可以啦…

2007-01-25 01:25:53 補充:
sorry, wrong spellingAnd will back office on 27.01.2007. not one~ ^^
2007-01-25 9:23 pm
Since you even don't know how to write a letter in the office. You are not capable to take this job. So you are fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-29 13:42:00 補充:
不是 BACK OFFICE 而應該用 BACK TO OFFICE. 還有是 I WILL BE BACK ('ARNOLD 舒華申力加' 在一套電影內講過 I WILL BE BACK 這句話).
所以全句應該是: I will back back to office and resume my duty on.........(the date you return to office)
2007-01-25 9:54 am
Dear all,

Would like to inform you that I will have my annual leave form XXX,07. to XXX,07.

And for any enquiries or urgent matters that need for immediately handling, please feel free to contact Xxxx at ext 1234, he/she will help you accordingly.

Thanks and Regards,
2007-01-25 8:57 am
"Dear all,

I will be on leave from 27 January, 2007 (Sat.) to 27 January, 2008 (???) inclusively.

If you have any issues that need my attention or action, please let me know by 25 January, 2007 noon time.

During my absent, for any issues on abc, please contact XYZ at (852) 98765432 or via email [email protected]. for any issues on def, please contact XZY at (852) 98765431 or via email [email protected].

Yours faithfully,
2007-01-25 8:47 am
Dear all colleagues,

I will be on leave from..... (date of your leave starts) until ....(date of your leave ends).
In case there is any urgent matter, please kindly contact.........(邊個同事同你follow既人名) for details.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,
參考: 自己

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