chemical 高手來

2007-01-25 7:22 am
H2SO(l) + water -----> H2SO4(aq)
為什麼pure sulphuric acid的state會是(l)?如果它的state是(l),不是本身已含有水分or在高溫下變成嗎?pure sulphuric acid要有水才有acidic property,那pure時沒有acidic,為什麼叫acid?

回答 (4)

2007-01-25 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
為什麼pure sulphuric acid的state會是(l)?
- Pure sulphuric acid at room temperature and pressure is liquid ... Melting point = 283 K

- aq = aqueous (adj., 水分的) Pure sulphuric acid(l) + 水 變成 Sulphuric acid (aq)
不過只要 Sulphuric acid Concentration 有 98%以上就可以叫 Sulphuric acid (l)
(98% Sulphuric acid is more stable than 100% Sulphuric acid )

pure sulphuric acid要有水才有acidic property,那pure時沒有acidic,為什麼叫acid?
- 這不是 Acid 的定義嗎 ...
An acid is a covalent molecular compound, which when dissolved in water, gives hydrogen ions H+(aq).
參考: Me
2007-01-27 2:03 am
為什麼pure sulphuric acid的state會是(l)?
This question must be traced back to the process making sulphuric acid called contact process. The steps are as follows
(1) making S02: S(s) + O2 (g)------> SO2(g)
(2)use catalyst V2O5 and high temp.(sorry!!! I have forgotten the temp required) to convert SO2 into SO3 (g) 2SO2(g) + O2 (g)--------->2 SO3(g)
(3)formation of H2S2O7(oleum) SO3(g) + H2SO4(l) ----->H2S2O7.
Water can't be added directly due to very very exothermic process. If water is added, water WILL BE VAPORIZED and no H2SO4 is formed. Since the b.p.of H2SO4 is higher than that of H2O. This means that the temp can vaporize H2O before reacting with H2SO4.
(4) final stage turning oleum into pure acid. H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) -------> 2H2SO4(l)

由於pure sulphuric acid的百分比是百分之98而水的分量則只有2%左右,所以pure sulphuric acid的state會是(l)

pure sulphuric acid要有水才有acidic property,那pure時沒有acidic,為什麼叫acid?
雖然水的分量則只有2%左右,但是巳足夠比出acidic property,所以叫acid. As you know H2SO4 is strong acid, it fully ionizes

Temp = temperature
b.p. = boiling point

I hope my information can help you.
2007-01-25 10:14 pm
Not every liquid must contain water. Petroleum is also in liquid form and surely it contains no water. Another example is mercury which is liquid metal in room temperature but it contains again no water. In principle, anything with the melting point lower than the room temperature but teh boiling point higher than the room temperature will exhibit as a liquid. Sulphuric acid is in this case. Sulphuric acid is the name of this chemical. It is not necessarily to mean this chemcial must exhibit acidic property. For example, the amino acid is also called acid by some of them does not show any acdic property.
2007-01-25 8:32 am
Acid 的定二其實唔只一種
就好似bronsted-lowry的定二,acid係proton donor ,base係proton acceptor
用HCO3- 做example
HCO3- + H2O => H3O+ + CO3 2-

HCO3- + H3O+ => H2O + H2CO3

你指acid的定二大約係和H2O form H+ ion for the only one positive ion 吧
Sulphuric acid 和 水 會form H+ ion so 咪叫acid lor
參考: 自己

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