
2007-01-25 7:10 am
In christmas holidays,I worked in Macau's Tower.But I was very happy.Because I earns $200 a night.Had finished the work,my good friends and I went to eat syrup.And then,I went to my friend's house.I was playing computer,but he was sleep.I went to my home at five o'clock.

回答 (5)

2007-01-25 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is better :
In the christmas holidays,I worked in Macau's Tower,but I was very happy.Because I earned $200 a night. After I had finished the work,my good friends and I had some syrup. And then,I went to my friend's house.I played the computer,while he was sleeping.I went back home at five o'clock.

Looks like you had a cool Christmas!
參考: I've studied in Canada before
2007-01-25 6:34 pm
In christmas holidays
> 記得Christmas要用大寫,而holiday則只是單數,因為是一個假期。由於句中的Christmas是作形容詞用,所以Christmas前就要有個article,在這句中該用the,因為是指定性的。In the Christmas holiday, ... 你也可以寫During Christmas, ... 這樣寫已足夠表達在聖誕假期的意思。

I worked in Macau's Tower
> 該寫成in the Macau Tower

But I was happy
> 文法沒錯,但意思想有點兒怪。在澳門塔工作又不是件苦差,為何要用but作連接詞呢?

I earns $200 a night.
> I 是第一身單數,所以動詞是不會加s的。另外,由於句子的時態是過去,所以你該用earned。第三點,除非你要刻意指出你是在晚間工作的,通常的寫法是$200 a day。

Had finished the work, my good friends and I went to eat syrup.
> 句中少了一個連接詞;你可以用when。動詞had finished不太正確,因為你所說的所有事情都是過去,除非你只是工作了一夜,否則你不該用past perfect tense。「糖水」(糖漿)才是syrup;外國人通常只會出外吃甜品,所以你可以簡單地用個desserts字,陯非你要特意指出你吃甚麼。 When I finished work, my good friends and I went to have desserts.

(看到此處,我覺得你好像只是在澳門塔做了一晚的工作。那麼,句子I earned $200 a night並不正確。你要寫成:I earned $200 that night.)

And then, I went to my friend's house.

I was playing computer, but he was sleep.
>句中的意思是並列的,該用同一個時態。他在睡是「he was asleep」(sleep是動詞,asleep是形容詞)。你是玩電腦遊戲,不是玩電腦。I played computer games, but he was asleep.

I went to my home at five o'clock.
>I went home at five o'clock.
2007-01-25 7:40 am
I worked in Macau Tower during christmas holiday. I was very happy because I've earned $200 a night. After work, I went to have chinese dessert with my good friends and headed to one of my friend's house later on. I played on his computer while he was alseep. I went back back home at around 5 o'clock in the morning.

(I assume you're talking about just one night otherwise the whole 周記 doesn't make sense at all...)
參考: me
2007-01-25 7:27 am
--During the Christmas holidays (was it only one day or multiple days? Christmas should have a capital C, not christmas.),
- I worked in Macau's Tower.
- However (don't use But to start a sentence), I was very happy because I earned $200 a night. (The because sentence should not stand alone, it's a reason and should be said with the situation together. YOU FEEL HAPPY because YOU EARNED MONEY.)
- After work, my friend and I went to have sweet soup (Do you mean food like Red bean soup/ Green bean soup that are sweet? Those kinds of food are called Sweet soup, not syrup) (You said it's Christmas holiday{S}, did you do it with your friend every night? Or just one night? You'll have to explain that)
- Then I went to his home for some computer games but my firend was so tired that he fell asleep. (You don't play the computer, you play computer games)
- I left at five o'clock in the morning.
2007-01-25 7:19 am
In christmas holidays,I worked in Macau's Tower. I was very happy because I earn(past tense) $200 a night.Afterf inished the work,my good friends and I went to eat syrup.Then,I went to my friend's house.I played the computer in his home when he was sleeping.At last I went back to my home at five o'clock.
參考: 我

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