某隻糖,標明:採用天然植物糖、sugerfree candy、dental friendly, 不會蛀牙嗎?

2007-01-25 5:12 am
某隻糖,標明:採用天然植物糖、sugerfree candy、dental friendly, 不會蛀牙嗎?

Double D
no artificial colours,
no artificial flavour
Sugar Free Candy
Dental Friendly,

如果我晚飯後, 刷完牙, 吃完呢一種糖, 然後sleep, 是否不會引致蛀牙?

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
理論上, 這樣對蛀牙的影響不大.

其實, 要造成蛀牙, 只需要兩樣東西:
1) 細菌
2) 養料

該糖是sugar free, 養料很低.
所以, 造成蛀牙的機會不高. 不用太過擔心. 不過, 睡前最好瀨瀨口.

正如我們早餐後, 午餐後, 及晚餐後, 都不會(事實上亦不用)「立刻」刷牙, 以清除口腔的食物殘渣及細菌一樣, 因為蛀牙是一件「慢性」的牙病.
不過, 「慢性」的病, 很容易被人所忽略... 所以, 在此提一提, 無論食完任何東西, 糖份高或低, 對細菌的養料多或少, 如果不方便立刻刷牙的話, 最好都用清水瀨口, 以減少口腔內給細菌分秘造成蛀牙酸素的養料.

2007-02-14 16:31:52 補充:

支持自己, 對自己的肯定, 是讓我努力向上的動力之一, 亦是唯一能支持自繼續生存的原因...

眾裏尋他「已」千百度「了」, 驀然回首, 那人「會否」在燈火蘭冊處「呢」?
2007-01-25 7:10 am
Better not to eat before sleep........
Dont know which content inside.........because you only shown their indication........
but not the content........

天然植物糖 has different kinds........for example pectin is polysaccharide and water soluble fibre水溶性纖維質........it wont cause dental caries.........

but I need to know which content of your candy........then I can tell you the answer....

If it is contain artifical sugar........it is dental friendly..........

2007-01-24 23:12:02 補充:
sorry mistake.........pectin is complex starch which is not soluble........not polysaccharide.........sorry about that

2007-01-25 22:30:51 補充:
oic.........In the dentist view, they say not prefer you eat anything before bed after brushing.........so I advice not to eat after brushing lu.............sorry that I cannot help you.........
參考: I am a dental assistant and learn from nutrition

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