
2007-01-25 4:22 am
“Death or life now!” said Fritz to himself. Quick as thought, he seized the paws which were resting on either side of his neck, drew them tightly over his shoulders, sprang up and walked off with the wolf hanging on his back. So tightly did he draw the wolf’s neck against his shoulders, that the animal could scarcely breathe and tried in vain to use its teeth. With its hind paws, however, it scratched furiously at Fritz’s legs, and made it difficult for him to walk.

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2007-01-25 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
佛列之 對自己說"你想繼續生存下去還是死亡!", 他的動作幾乎比思想更快捷, 不到一會, 緊緊抓住放在自己兩邊肩膀的狼的前掌, 但卻箍住自己條頸, 為了擺脫, 他奮地跳了起來, 以及一直咬住他背部不放的狼一起拼命向前走. 因為那隻狼咬緊咬住他的肩膀, 所以他也大力抓住箍緊那條狼的頸部不放. 相方爭持不下, 而隻狼幾乎不能呼吸以及不論如何咬也徒然. 另外, 那條狼用後面兩腿兇狠地踢他的腿部, 他因此舉步為艱.
參考: 朕

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