
While l__(watch)TV,l__(hear)some dgs barking but that's not unusual.The dogs__(bark)every morning.'The Wongs,who live on the second floor,were als awake.Mr and Mrs Wong__(drink)tea and their daughter__(eat)noodles.They__(sit)outside on the roof.Mr Wong,who__(work)at a resort in Sai Kung,said ,'When l__(hear)the door bang downstairs,l__(talk)to my wife about getting a dog.

Now we will definitely get one.'l sill__(need)to interview the Browns.At 7.10a.m.,they__(leave)for work,not long after the robbery.At the moment,two police officers__(interview )the pepole in the house opposite.

回答 (4)

2007-01-25 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
While l watched TV,l heard some dogs barking but that's not unusual.The dogs barked every morning.'The Wongs,who live on the second floor,were also awake.Mr and Mrs Wong drank tea and their daughter ate noodles.They sat outside on the roof.Mr Wong,who worked at a resort in Sai Kung,said ,'When l heard the door bang downstairs,l talked to my wife about getting a dog.

Now we will definitely get one.'l still needed to interview the Browns.At 7.10a.m.,they left for work,not long after the robbery.At the moment,two police officers interviewed the pepole in the house opposite.

*That was all just changing the verbs into past tense, u should be able to do it easily or just with help from the dictionary. I get the feeling this is your homework and you didn't even try. Please next time, try and we'll correct it for you - this forum is not a homework service space!!!
2007-01-25 2:32 am
While I was watching TV. I (heard) some dogs barking but that's not unusual. Thee dogs (barks) every morning. The Wong's who live on the second floor, were also awake.Mr. and Mrs. Wong (drank) tea and their daughter (ate) noodles. They (sat) outside on the roof. Mr. Wong, who (is working) at a resort in Sai Kung, said:"When I (heard) the door bang downstairs, I (talked) to my wife about getting a dog.

I still need to (interview) the Browns. At 7.10 a.m., they (left) for work, no long after the robbery. At the moment, two police officers (interviewed) the people in the house opposite.
參考: 朕
2007-01-25 2:16 am
1. was watching
2. herad
3. bark
4 drank
6. sat
7. works
8. heard
9. was talking
參考: me
2007-01-25 2:05 am
While l (was watching) TV,l (heard) some dogs barking but that's not unusual.The dogs(bark) every morning.'The Wongs,who live on the second floor,were also awake.Mr and Mrs Wong (were drinking) tea and their daughter (was eating) noodles.They (sat) outside on the roof. Mr Wong,who (works) at a resort in Sai Kung,said ,'When l (heard) the door bang downstairs,l (was talking) to my wife about getting a dog.

2007-01-24 18:07:59 補充:
Now we will definitely get one.' l still (need) to interview the Browns. At 7.10a.m.,they(left) for work,not long after the robbery. At the moment, two police officers (were interviewing) the people in the house opposite.
參考: myself

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